Saturday, January 9, 2010

Korean Movies

Korea is an excellent place to stumble into if you happen to a be a big film person. I just finished watching Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (Taegukgi) tonight. It is SK's cross of The Deer Hunter and Saving Private Ryan. It's stage is the Korean War and focuses on two brothers. I highly recommend it.
I also saw Old Boy recently. It is really great too. The plot is pretty intense - a heads up for those of you who might read this and go out and rent these movies! It is part of a trilogy that deals with revenge. This one had a pretty extensive international showing so some of you have might actually seen it or the two others in the chain (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, the first and third in the chain respectively) The plots don't hinge upon one another so you could watch it in any order!
I have been lucky enough to come to a country with fantastic movies. When I head to the technology market I usually just ask my guy to pick out a few good Korean movies for me. He hasn't steered me wrong thus far!