Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekend in Gwangju

Hi All! Haven't been very active lately I know.

This past weekend I visited some friends in Gwangju. My friend Patrick and I took a 3 1/2 hour bus over there to the Southwest Korea. The rail system was out of the question because it runs Northwest (Seoul & Incheon) to Southeast Korea (Busan). It was a pretty enjoyable ride down though they went a little heavy on the heater - very Sauna-esque.

There are a few photos up on Fbook that I added to the Halloween album by the way.

The highlights of the weekend, besides seeing our good Gwangju friends, were spending Saturday playing paintball and a bit of Saturday night at an ice bar. The cool thing about the ice bar is that you got to throw your glass at a target if once you were done. Out of 3 tries, I managed to score once. Unfortunately, I won a coupon for 5,000 W (5 dollars) that can only be redeemed on your NEXT visit to the restaurant. Smooth talking my way out of this did not help. I now am in possession of a 5 dollar coupon that I may be able to redeem in about 2 months.

Forgot to mention that we went to an airsoft gun range. Apparently, and I don't know if it is the Texas in me because I have never fired a gun, I am a pretty good shot. Must be the video games. Cashed in for a phone charm that soon broke afterward.

The paintball was the absolute best part of the weekend. Patrick, my friends Alex and Brian, and myself woke up early on Saturday and played right through to about 3 PM. There were tooooo many stories to recount here, and the girls heard them all ad nauseum.

The bus ride home was the only sour part of the trip. We hit rough traffic and our 3 1/2 hour trip back up turned into 6 1/2 hours. All in all, had a fun time in Gwangju. Check out the pictures and if you can't access them let me know - I will provide a different avenue!!

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