Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hi All!!

A few new updates in the life of E ::

My friend Hero posted the videos of our bungee jumps. If you click here you can find me in all my glory. This was one of those situations where even had I known I'd be on video, I still would of ended up looking about as scared as I've ever been. If the link doesn't work, let me know!!! It says I can upload videos on here but I don't know how to save it from FB. My brain is not large enough for tasks like these.

Anyway, I was able to spend today with the newly engaged Steve and Nara. They actually came down to Incheon to check out my neck of woods. It was my first time checking out China Town too. It was, as my students would describe, "so-so." We had a good time walking around catching up though, and I am just happy to finally meet Nara and have family in the same country as me!!

Steve got some good photos too so those should be up at some point. All I can say is that both the Daniel's and Iams' will be proud of our patriotism as we saluted General MacArthur in a way only Americans could.

Ugh.. I've seen the bungee jumping video about 5-10 times and I get Vietnam like flashbacks. That's all from here for now!!

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