Tuesday, April 13, 2010

U Don't Have to Call

Yo after tonight
Don't have your lunch box around me
True playa for real

Shoe bag actually, but my kids have learned that they leave their shoe bag (in Korea we have our indoor and outdoor shoes) alone at their own peril.  Though my soccer skills are fairly weak, I summon the spirit of PelĂ© when there is an unattended shoe bag.  I make a mad dash through the halls with their belongings showing off every trick I can execute (of which there are few).  The kids seem to enjoy this almost as much as I do.

On a different, school related side note, I was taken a bit surprise by a recent game of kai-bai-bo (scissor-rock-paper).  I spend about a quarter of my time either doling out high fives or enthralled in the art of rock-paper-scissors.  To keep things fresh, I thought I'd change it to "rock-paper-punch" and faux punched a kid.  He thought this was hilarious and after a laughter break (because my jokes kill around the 4th graders) he decided to one up me by throwing down a "Rock-Paper-*#!@ You" with an accompanying hand gesture.  Obviously, the severity of certain insults don't always translate through languages so while he thought it was great, he wasn't really aware of what he was throwing my way. 

Let me say that I found it hilarious -- I mean that is one of the last things you'd expect in a game of kai bai bo.  I laughed very, very briefly.  I had to, in accordance with my better judgment but against my deepest wishes, explain in a stern tone why this was completely unacceptable.  He got the message though I'll admit I was ultimately defeated in rock-paper-scissors.

1 comment:

  1. Dont give away all the secrets to the game please, I don't want any more competition.
