Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hey All

I know it's been a while since I've posted. To be honest, it has been a hectic couple of weeks and the most effort I've felt like putting into my blog involved the layout rather than the content. I am back, however, and come bearing a few notes.

It was my friend Brian & Alli's birthday this past weekend in Gwangju. I had volunteered a massive shift going into the week prior involving teaching 34 out of my 35 possible hours. I hit overtime after 22 so some of you might be thinking "Benjamin's!" but it's more along the lines of Hamilton's. It was an eventful weekend that allowed me to see some old friends who I hadn't in some time and on the whole I had a wonderful visit. Since coming home I've become sick again, as per SOP. I should be getting over that shortly though! Steve & Nara set the date and I have enjoyed watching the announcement video a few times now!! I'd also like to link to my friend Sid's longing thoughts on his time in Korea (though this is for the adults in the room so young'ins beware!).

Sid's blog post

I can relate to a lot of it and I haven't even left yet! By the way I think I just finished like 5 sentences in a row in exclamation so you know this guy's excited.

Some music I've been listening to --

Rocket Man - Elton John

Seen the Rain - CCR

Run Devil Run - SNSD

Elton has helped me get through some of these more hectic times lately so my hat's off to him. So much so in fact that sometimes I feel I have on a crazy pair of glasses and suffer from severe balding.

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